Digital Technologies in Healthcare Workshop-2

The Cellular Therapy and Stem Cell Production, Application, and Research Center (ESTEM) participated in the "Digital Technologies in Healthcare Workshop 2" held on January 30, 2025, at 13:00 in the ESOGU Congress and Cultural Center – Hall 2. At the event, ESTEM presented the projects and research conducted at the center.

The Digital Technologies in Healthcare priority area mission has been assigned to Eskişehir Osmangazi University by the Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) within the scope of the Universities Specializing in Priority Areas Project. 

In this context, the research and projects conducted by the Eskişehir Osmangazi University Cellular Therapy and Stem Cell Production, Application, and Research Center (ESTEM - Center of Excellence)/ESTEM-MEMS and the Tissue Engineering Research Unit (Microfabrication Cleanroom Laboratory, Tissue Engineering-1 Laboratory, and Tissue Engineering and Stem Cell Culture-2 Laboratory) within the priority area of "Digital Technologies in Healthcare" and the thematic areas of ESOGU were presented. These thematic areas include:

  •  Thematic Area 1: Innovative Materials/Biomaterials Technologies, Advanced Materials, and Applications
  •  Thematic Area 5: Microbiota – Food and Health
  •  Thematic Area 6: Regenerative Medicine and Technology in Healthcare

The presentations, including an introduction to the center, were delivered by Assist. Prof. Dr. Onur Uysal, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avcı, and Dr. Merve Nur Soykan.